Domingo Molina

Titular d'Universitat

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Personal Information

Position: Titular d'Universitat

Area of expertise: Silvicultura

Address: ETSEA, Edifici Principal A, despatx 0.11.2

Phone: +34 973 702847

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University degrees

· Doctor en Enginyeria Forestal. MEC. 1995
· Doctor en Ciències dels Recursos Naturals, Universitat de California, Berkeley, 1994 
· Master en Ciències dels Recursos Naturals, Universitat de California, Berkeley, 1991 
· Enginyer de Forest, Universitat Politècnica de Madrid, 1989


· Focs forestals

· Gestió forestal sostenible

· Emergències en el medi natural

· Millora de l'educació universitària en enginyeria Forestal i emergències



· FOREST FIRES IN NE SPAIN Master Universitari Erasmus Mundus MEDFOR
· PRESCRIBED FIRE LABORATORY Màster Universitari Erasmus Mundus MEDFOR
· ANÀLISI I SIMULACIÓ DE FOCS FORESTALS Màster Universitari en Incendis Forestals.Ciència i Gestió Integral
· CREMES PRESCRITES Màster Universitari en Incendis Forestals.Ciència i Gestió Integral
· ESTRATÈGIES I TÀCTIQUES D'EXTINCIÓ Màster Universitari en Incendis Forestals.Ciència i Gestió Integral
·INVESTIGACIÓ DE CAUSES Màster Universitari en Incendis Forestals.Ciència i Gestió Integral
· GESTIÓ DE LA INFORMACIÓ EN EMERGÈNCIES Màster Universitari en Incendis Forestals.Ciència i Gestió Integral

Màster Universitari Erasmus Mundus Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry

·ST IN DISTURBANCE ECOLOGY AND FOREST HEALTH Màster Universitari Erasmus Mundus Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry


Recent Publications

Blanco Fernández, J., Fajó-Pascual M., y Molina-Terrén, DM. 2017. Factores condicionantes de la calidad del aprendizaje en MasterFUEGO. In Sein-Echaluce Lacleta, M.L., Fidalgo Blanco, A. & García-Peñalvo, F.J. (2017). La innovación docente como misión del profesorado. Actas del IV Congreso Internacional sobre Aprendizaje, Innovación y Competitividad. CINAIC 2017 (4-6 de Octubre de 2017, Zaragoza, España). p. 362-367.  Zaragoza. Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Zaragoza. DOI 10.26754/CINAIC.2017.000001 -

Arteaga C., Nebot E., and Molina-Terrén DM.2017 TOWARDS AN INTEGRATIVE FIRE MANAGEMENT IN Quercus suber L. FORESTS IN NE SPAIN. In  INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON CORK OAK TREES AND WOODLANDS Conservation, Management, Products and Challenges for the Future, Dettori S., Fligheddu M.R., Cillara M. Editors Printed by Università degli Studi di Sassari Centro Stampa p. 60
ISBN 978-88-907678-0-7   DOI

Cardil A, Delogu G, Molina-Terrén DM. 2017. Fatalities in Wildland Fires from 1945 to 2015 in Sardinia (Italy). CERNE  v. 23 n. 2  p. 175-184. DOI: 10.1590/01047760201723022266

Monedero S, Ramirez J, Molina-Terrén DM, Cardil A. 2017. Reverse time simulations with Wildfire Analyst. Enviormental modelling and software 92, 163-168.

Molina-Terrén DM, Cardil A, Kobziar LN. 2016. Practitioner Perceptions of Wildland Fire Management across South Europe and Latin America. Forests 2016, 7(9), 184; doi:10.3390/f7090184 -

Cardil A, Merenciano D, Molina-Terrén DM. 2015. Wildland Fire Typologies and Extreme Temperatures in Spain. Iforest  doi: 10.3832/ifor1939-009

Molina-Terrén DM, Fry DL, Grillo FF, Cardil A, Stephens SL. 2016. Fire history and management of Pinus canariensis forests on the western Canary Islands Archipelago, Spain, Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 382, 15 December 2016, Pages 184-192, ISSN 0378-1127,

Cardil A, Molina DM, Oliveres J, Castellnou M. 2016.  Fire effects in Pinus uncinata Ram plantations. Forest Systems, 25(1), eSC06, 5 pages DOI: 10.5424/fs/2016251-08919.

Temiño-Villota, S., Rodríguez-Trejo, D.A., Molina-Terrén, D.M., Ryan, K. (2016). Modelling initial mortality of Abies religiosa in a crown fire in Mexico. Forest Systems, Volume 25, Issue 1, e047, 12 pages.

Casals, P., Valor, T., Besalú, A., Molina-Terrén, DM. 2015. Understory fuel load and structure eight to nine years after prescribed burning in Mediterranean pine forests. Forest Ecol. Manage. (2015),

Molina-Terrén, DM, Cardil A. 2015. Temperature determining larger wildland fires in NE Spain. Theoretical and applied climatology. Published online. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-015-1511-1.

Artès T, Cardil A, Cortés A, Margalef T, Molina DM, Pelegrín L, Ramírez J. 2015. Forest fire propagation prediction based on overlapping DDDAS forecasts. Procedia Computer Science 51: 1623-1632

Costafreda-Aumedes S, Cardil A, Molina DM, Daniel SN, Mavsar Rm Vega-García C. 2015. Analysis of selected factors influencing fire suppression resources use in Spain using Artificial Neural Networks. Iforest. Published online. doi: 10.3832/ifor1329-008

Alcasena FJ, Salis M, Ager AA, Arca B, Molina D, Spano D. 2014. Assessing landscape scale wildfire exposure for highly valued resources in a Mediterranean area. Environmental Management p. DOI 10.1007/s00267-015-0448-6

Cardil A, Eastaugh CS, Molina DM. 2014. Extreme temperature conditions and wildland fires in Spain. Theoretical and applied climatology. 122: 219-228. 

Cardil A, Molina DM, Kobziar LN. 2014. Extreme temperature days and potential impacts in Southern Europe. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 3005–3014. doi:10.5194/nhess-14-3005-2014  -

Cardil A, Salis M, Spano D, Delogu G, Molina Terrén D. 2014. Large wildland fires and extreme temperatures in Sardinia (Italy). iForest 7: 162-169. doi: 10.3832/ifor1090-007

Cardil A, Molina DM. 2013. Factors Causing Victims of Wildland Fires in Spain (1980–2010). Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 21(1).

Cardil A, Molina-Terren DM. 2013. Large wildland fires in three diverse regions in Spain from 1978 to 2010. Forest Systems, 22(3) 526-534 - doi: 10.5424/fs/2013223-03899 02685 -

Fernandes P. Davies GM, Ascoli D, Fernández C, Francisco Moreira F, Rigolot E, Stoof CR, Vega JA, Molina DM, 2013. Prescribed burning in southern Europe: developing fire management in a dynamic landscape. Special Issue of Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment on Management of Fire-prone Landscapes . 11: e4–e14.

Cardil A, Molina-Terren DM  Ramírez J. Vega-Gacria C.  2013 Trends in adverse weather patterns and large wildland fires in Aragón (NE Spain) from 1978 to 2010. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 1393–1399, 2013,

Molina, DM, Cardil, A. 2012. Trends in number and area of large fires in Spain (from 1978 to 2009). "Modelling Fire Behaviour and Risk", Eds: D. Spano, V. Bacciu, M. Salis, C. Sirca. Sassari, Italy. ISBN: 978-88-904409-7-7. p.166-173  - doi 10.1186/1750-0680-2-12

Eastaugh CS and Molina DM  2012. Forest road and fuelbreak siting with respect to reference fire intensities. Forest Systems 21(1):153-161. doi: 10.5424/fs/2112211-12232 .

EASTAUGH, C. & MOLINA DM. 2011. Forest road networks: metrics for coverage, efficiency and convenience. Australian Forestry 2011 Vol. 74 No. 1 pp. 54–61.

Pons-Andres E., Molina D.M. 2007. Método para la prevención de riesgos laborales de las quemas controladas y los contrafuegos. Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid. MAPFRE SEGURIDAD 105:: 33-44

Molina, D.M., Blanco, J,, Grillo, F.F., Cabré, M.M., Gomes, M., Fababú, D.D. 2007. Integrating objectives, methodologies, linkages and first results on wildland fire propagation in the Fire Paradox. Deliverable D13.3-1, April 2007 (,

Molina, D.M., Castellnou, M., Blanco, J, Grillo, F.F. 2007. First assessment on suppression fire demonstration sites: a number of identified locations where forest managers and fire managers have agreed and planned actions involving backfiring to suppress an eventual fire responding to a given LWF (large wildland fire) type. Deliverable D9.2-1, April 2007 (,

Molina, D.M., Fababú, D.D., Grillo, F.F., García, D., Arévalo, J.R. 2007. Uso del fuego prescrito para establecer cortafuegos sombreados: caso de estudio de Gran Canaria - Prescribed fire use to establish shaded fuel breaks: case studies in Gran Canaria, Spain. IV International Wildland Fire Conference, Seville, Spain

Molina, D.M., Galán, M., Fababú, D.D., García, D., Mora, J.B. 2007. Prescribed fire use for cost effective fuel management in Spain. IV International Wildland Fire Conference, Seville, Spain

Molina, D.M., Martínez, E.R., García, D., Grillo, F.F. 2007. Wildland Fire Analyst: a needed job position and the required education and training. IV International Wildland Fire Conference, Seville, Spain

Molina, D.M., Pons, E., García, D., Blanco., J. 2007. Job hazard abatement actions in both fuel management and suppression operations in Gran Canaria (Insular SW Spain) wild lands. IV International Wildland Fire Conference, Seville, Spain

Molina, D.M., Goldammer, J.G., Loureiro, C., Castellnou., M., Vega, J.A., Delogu, G., Rigolot, E., Defossé, G., Kunst, C., de Ronde, C., Abdelmoula, K., Sesbou., A. 2007. A network of prescribed fire demonstration sites for Europe, Africa and Argentina. IV International Wildland Fire Conference, Seville, Spain

Molina, D.M., Castellnou, M., Botelho, H., Vélez, R., Goldammer, J. 2007. Sharing expertise and training in Wildland Fire Management across Europe and elsewhere. IV International Wildland Fire Conference, Seville, Spain

Moyano, A., Miralles, M., Molina, D.M. 2007. Plan de gestión de fuegos de la zona periurbana de Tarragona, Cataluña, España. IV International Wildland Fire Conference, Seville, Spain

Lázaro, A., Herrero, G., Montiel, C., Molina, D.M. 2007. Organización de la defensa contra incendios forestales en el Estado de las Autonomías: el caso español. IV International Wildland Fire Conference, Seville, Spain

Fababú, D.D., Grillo, F., García-Marco, D., Molina-Terrén, D.M. 2007. “Caracterización de las quemas prescritas en Gran Canaria. Valoración de 5 años de experiencia” Revista incendios forestales.

Molina-Terren, D.M., Martinez-Lopez, E.R., Garcia-Marco, D. 2006. Farsite simulations for cost-efficient wildland fire planning: Case studies in Spain. Proceedings of V International Conference on Forest Fire Research held in Figueira de Foz (Portugal). D. X. Viegas (Ed.). Forest Ecology and Management 234S (2006) S217.

Molina-Terrén, D.M., Martínez-López, E.R., García-Marco, D. 2006. Farsite Simulations For Cost-Efficient Wildland Fire Planning: Case Studies In Spain, 13p. V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, D. X. Viegas (Ed.), 2006

Pons-Andres, E., Molina-Terren, D.M. 2006. Job Hazard Abatement Actions In Both Prescribed Fire And Backfire Operations In Gran Canaria (Insular SW Spain), 15p. V International Conference on Forest Fire Research, D. X. Viegas (Ed.), 2006

Molina, D.M., Grillo-Delgado, F., García-Marco, D. 2006. Uso del fuego prescrito para la creación de rodales cortafuegos: estudio del caso “Las Mesas de Ana López”, Vega de San Mateo, Gran Canaria, España. Invest Agrar: Sist Recur For (2006) 15(3), 271-276, Madrid

Molina, D., Lampin, C., Jappiot, M. 2006. EUFIRELAB: Recommendations for up-dating the relevant European regulations (in wildland fire management). D-05-04. Deliverable D-05-04 17p.

Marzano, R., Bovio, G., Guglielmet, E., Deshayes, M., Lampin, C., Salas, J., Martínez, J., Molina, D., Geronimo, N., Carrega, P., Fox, D., Saate, S., Vayreda, J., Martín, P., Martínez, J., Vilar, L., Conese, C., Bonora, L., Tsakalidis, S., Gitas, I., Karteris, M, 2006. EUFIRELAB: Wildland fire danger and hazards: a state of the art, final version. D-08-07. Deliverable D-08-07 64p.

Martin, P., Bonora, L., Conese, C., Lampin, C., Martínez, J., Molina, D., Salas, J, 2005. Towards methods for investigating on wildland fire causes. D-05-02. Deliverable D-05-02; 58p.

Camia, A., Guglielmet, E., Bovio, G., Deshayes, M., Lampin, C., Salas, J., Martínez, J., Molina, D., Carrega, P., Fox, D., Berolo, W., Sabaté, S-, Vayreda, J., Martín, P., Martínez, J., Conese, C., Bonora, L., Karteris, M., Mallinis, G., Sergiopoulus, I., Gitas, I. 2004. EUFIRELAB: Euro-Mediterranean Wildland Fire Laboratory, a « wall-less » Laboratory for Wildland Fire Sciences and Technologies in the Euro-Mediterranean Region. Wildland Fire Danger and Hazards: a State of the Art. D-08-02. Deliverable D-08-02

Lampin, C., Molina, D., Martin, P., Caballero, D. 2004. EUFIRELAB: Euro-Mediterranean Wildland Fire Laboratory, a « wall-less » Laboratory for Wildland Fire Sciences and Technologies in the Euro-Mediterranean Region. The Interest of Socio-Economical Sciences in Wildland Fires: a State of the Art. D-05-01. Deliverable D-05-01, 37p

Allgöwer, B., Calogine, D., Camia, A., Cuiñas, P., Fernandes, P., Francesetti, A., Hernando, C., Kötz, B., Koutsias, N., Lindberg, H., Molina, D., Morsdorf, F., Ribeiro, L.M., Rigolot, E., Séro-Guillaume, O. 2004. EUFIRELAB: Euro-Mediterranean Wildland Fire Laboratory, a « wall-less » Laboratory for Wildland Fire Sciences and Technologies in the Euro-Mediterranean Region. Methods for Wildland Fuel Description and Modelling: A State of the Art. D-02-01 . Deliverable D-02-01, 51p, PIF 2004-06

Botelho, H., Fernandes, P., Rigolot, E., Rego, F., Guarneri, F., Binggelli, F., Vega, J.A., Prodon, R., Molina, D., Gouma, V., Leone, V. 2002. Main outcomes of the Fire Torch Project : a management approach to prescribed burning in mediterranean Europe. 4. International Conference on forest fire research / 2002 Wildland fire safety summit, Luso (PRT), 2002/11/18-23; PIF 2002-13, feu=5243

Botelho, H.S., Molina, D.M., Rigolot, E., Rego, F., Guarneri, F., Binggelli, F., Vega, J.A., Fernandes, P., Fons, R., Gouma, V., Leone, V. 1999. FIRE TORCH: An European project to improve prescribed burning knowledge and use. . Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop / Crossing the Millennium: Integrating Spatial Technologies and Ecological Principles for a New Age in Fire Management, 15th –17th June 1999, Grove Hotel, Boisa, USA.

Bardaji, M., Molina, D.M. 1999. Incendios Forestales En España: Regiones Noroeste, Interior Y Litoral Mediterraneo. This study groups Spanish mainland provinces in three regions: Northwest (NW), Mediterranean Coast (LM) and Interior (IP) aimed to explain if there are differences in today’s (decade 1986-95) wildland fire regimes.

Molina, D. 1997. Origins of Arson in Northwestern Spain. Founded in 1936, Fire Management Today has served the wildland fire community for more than 60 years as a clearinghouse for new techniques, technologies, and ideas. It has provided a forum open to anyone with anything useful to share with other wildland fire professional. In the process, the journal has not only facilitated information exchange, but also helped build a common history and culture in the wildland fire community.

Molina, D. 1994. Wildfires and reforestation in common lands in northwestern Spain: or the struggle for local control of natural resources. II International Conference on Forest Fire Research; Coimbra; 21/24 November 1994; Vol 1, pp. 85-94

Molina, D., Bardaji, M. 1998. Forest fuel and fire behavior in planning and control: similarities and differences. III International Conference on Forest Fire Research; 14th Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology; Luso; 16/20 November 1998; Vol 2, pp. 2595-2604

Bardaji, M., Molina, D., Castellnou, M. 1998. Probability of large fires: structural & meteorological components. III International Conference on Forest Fire Research; 14th Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology; Luso; 16/20 November 1998; Vol 1, pp. 959-974

Castellnou, M., Bardaji, M., Cedo, J., Molina, D. 1998. Feor & Firefoc : enhancing wildland fire progression simulators. III International Conference on Forest Fire Research; 14th Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology; Luso; 16/20 November 1998; Vol 1, pp. 901-905

Botelho, H., Fernandes, P., Rigolot, E., Vega, J., Rego, F., Molina, D., Prodon, R., Leone, V., Gouma, V., Guarneri, F., Binggelli, F , 1999. FIRE TORCH: Towards improved prescribed burning knowledge and use in Europe. International Symposium Forest fires: needs and innovations. A Delfi action, November 18-19, Athens, Greece; 137-141; PIF 1999-13

Botelho, H., Rigolot, E., Rego, F., Guarneri, F., Binggelli, F., Vega, J., Fernandes, P., Prodon, R., Molina, D., Gouma, V., Leone, V., 1999. FIRE TORCH: An European project to improve prescribed burning knowledge and use. The joint fire science conference and workshop, Boise Idaho (USA), June 15-17; 7p. 1999-02

Botelho, H., Rigolot, E., Rego, F., Guarneri, F., Binggelli, F., Vega, J., Fernandes, P., Prodon, R., Molina, D., Gouma, V., Leone, V., 1999. FIRE TORCH, Prescribed burning as a tool for the mediterranean region : a management approach. Contrat N° ENV4-CT98-0715. Periodic Tecnical Report; UTMAD Portugal; PIF 1999-05

Pons, E.,Molina, D.M. 2005. Methodological proposal hazard abatement actions in prescribed forest fires operations. In: “II International conference on prevention strategies of fires in Southern Europe” Barcelona (Spain) 9-11 Mayo 2005


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