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El compromís del Departament amb la recerca es posa de manifest, també, en la formació del personal investigador mitjançant la direcció de tesis doctorals. Des de 1992 s'han dirigit o presentat al departament més d'un centenar de tesis.


Les tesis llegides en els últims anys (que es poden consultar a la web tesisenred) han estat les següents:

Any 2014

  • Mechanistic investigations of carotenoid and ketocarotenoid biosynthesis in rice.
  • Movement of predators in arable crop systems.
  • Control biológico en cultivos hortícolas: Efecto de los alimentos suplementarios en depredadores y parasitoides.
  • Enhancing biological control in apple orchards.
  • Las atmósferas modificadas integradas con otras tecnologías como alternativas sostenibles para el control de plagas en productos alimentarios almacenados.
  • Safety assessment and efficacy investigations of genetically engineered corn accumulating high levels of carotenoids.
  • Molecular identification and feeding ecology of arthropod generalist predators present in Mediterranean lettuce crops.
  • Contribución al conocimiento de la expresión fenotípica de variantes alélicas para los genes mayores Ppd-A1 y Ppd-B1 en trigo duro.
  • Response of yield and physiological attributes to nitrogen availability and heat in maize.
  • Rice endosperm as a production platform for third-generation HIV microbicides.
  • The generation of biofortified and wee-resistant cereal plants through genetic engineering.
  • Respuesta de cultivares de patata a la salinidad y potencial efecto protector del metil jasmonato frente al estrés salino.

Any 2015

  • Caracterización de Phytophthora infestans y mejora genética para la resistencia en patata.
  • Ecology, metereology and simulation of large wildland fires.
  • Process of colonization of the host plant by Sesamia nonagrioides gravid females.
  • Tree-species diversification in Sub-Mediterranean pine forests: drivers, consequences and management opcions .
  • Desarrollo y transferibilidad de los microsatélites en Prunus y su aplicación en estudios de variabilidad.
  • Efectos de los sistemas de labranza de los cereales sobre los organismos perjudiciales y beneficos del suelo en el sudeste bonaerense (Argentina).
  • Bread and durum wheat performance under a wide range of environmental conditions.
  • Mineral nitrogen fertilization and stover management effects on maize production under Irrigated Mediterranean conditions. Simulation of yields.
  • Grain yield determinants in a traditional and a modern wheat cultivar under a wide range of conditions in a Mediterranean region. Source-sink relationships, components, resource capture and use efficiencies.
  • Spatio-temporal modelling of stable isotopes in tree Mediterranean species (Quercus ilex L. and Pinus halepensis Mill.): a climatic and ecophysiological view.
  • Physiological and molecular responses to salicylic acid in potato virus X-infected tomato and maize dwarf mosaic virus-infected maize.

Any 2016

  • Unravelling herbicide resistance in corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas L.) to improve integrated weed management strategies.
  • Fallow lands as a tool for farmland biodiversity conservation.
  • Adapting the Decision Support System CPOWeeds to optimize weed control in northern Spanish conditions.
  • A trait-based approach to disentangle the success of alien weeds in irrigated crops.
  • Caracterización mecánica del abeto (Abies alba Mill.) procedente de la cordillera pirenaica.
  • Seleccion in vitro para resistencia a boro y deoxinivalenol en cebada: marcadores asociados.
  • Towards vitamin biofortification in maize through multigene engineering.
  • Epidemiologia dels fitoplasmes dels fruiters de fruita dolça de la vinya a la Peninsula Ibèrica: identitat genètica, hostes, vectors, cicles i control.
  • Mechanisms controlling the selective iron and zinc biofortification of rice.
  • Evaluación agroambiental de la fertilización y nutrición fosfatada en el cultivo de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.).
  • Towards engineering of photosynthesis in rice.
  • Physiological determinants of fertile florets in wheat: variation between elite cultivars and effects of Ppd and Eps genes.

  Any 2017

  • Assessing the effect of global change on plant functional structure, greenhouse gases, and soil functions in grasslands.
  • Plant diversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes along different spatial scales.
  • Changes in soil biodiversity and activity along management and climatic gradients.
  • Spatio-temporal analysis of human-caused fire occurrence patterns in Spain.
  • High carotenoid corn: agronomic evaluation and interactions with insect pests.
  • Improvement of the nitrogen fertilization in irrigated Mediterranean environments.
  • Social capital in rural areas and governance of economic instruments for Non-Wood Forest Products: the case of mushrooms in Catalonia.
  • Dissecting genetic changes on wheat adaptation, yield formation and grain quality in Mediterranean environments.
  • A trophic chain as indicator of agricultural practice change in maize.
  • Water use patterns and physiological interactions in Submediterranean mixed forests: methodological challenges and implications for ecohydrology.
  • Epidemiología de la Podredumbre Parda en fruta de hueso durante los principales procesos de postcosecha en centrales frutícolas.
  • Effects of organic and mineral nitrogen fertilization of maize in irrigated Mediterranean environments.
  • Evaluación de alternativas para el análisis estadístico y de aspectos del diseño en ensayos de larga duración para estudios agronómicos.
  • Detoxification and sublethal effects of neurotoxic insecticides in tortricid moths.
  • Caracterización de la respuesta a sequía e identificación de genes asociados al uso eficiente del agua (UEA) en portainjertos Prunus spp.
  • Diversidad y extensión de los mecanismos de resistencia a insecticidas en poblaciones españolas de carpocapsa (Cydia pomonella (L.) Lepidoptera Tortricidae) y estudio de sus posibilidades de manejo.

Any 2018

  • Desarrollo de métodos de predicción de la incidencia de 'bitter pit' en plantaciones de manzanas ‘Golden Smoothee’ (Malus domestica, L. Borkh.).
  • Wheat developmental processes as affected by Ppd and Eps alleles and genetic variation within elite cultivars.
  • Forest management and abiotic parameters effect on soil fungal communities inhabiting Mediterranean forest ecosystems.
  • Species distribution models for birds: How useful are their outcomes for conservation applications?
  • Innovación en técnicas de plantación forestal contra la sequía y la vegetación competidora en condiciones mediterráneas.
  • Metabolic engineering and genome editing in rice.

Any 2019

  • Acolchados y su efecto sobre el control y la biología de la juncia (Cyperus rotundus L.) o Mulches and their effect on control and biology of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.).
  • Metamitrona, una nueva herramienta para optimizar el aclareo químico en manzano.
  • Assessing soil and canopy spatial variability in fruit orchards to improve management and sampling by using auxiliary information provided by proximal and remote sensors.
  • Forest resilience and post-disturbance dynamics: the role of species composition and structure.
  • Wildfire risk management in southern European landscapes: Towards a long‐term comprehensive strategy.
  • Biofortification and Plant Stress: the Role of Azospirillum brasilense Sp7.
  • The role of sustainable agricultural practices to mitigate greenhouse gases and to sequester soil carbon under newly irrigated Mediterranean agroecosystems.
  • Isoprenoid and flavonoid biosynthesis and regulation in higher plants.
  • Photoperiod response as a driver of flowering time in spring durum wheat and its influence on productivity, and environmental adaptability.
  • New insights to durum wheat breeding in the genomics era through the exploration of a diversity panel of Mediterranean landraces.
  • Habitat management in Mediterranean fruit orchards to foster pollinator and natural enemy communities.

Any 2020

  • Vegetation drives greenhouse gas exchange, and carbon and nitrogen cycling in grassland ecosystems.
  • Ground vegetation covers as a tool for weed management in vineyards.
  • Fruit detection and 3D location using optical sensors and computer visión.
  • Advances on spray drift assessment in 3d crops.
  • Phenological adaptation and its genetic mechanisms in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.).
  • Characterization of capacitance soil moisture sensors for the automated scheduling of drip irrigation in orchards.
  • Towards the characterisation of adaptive syndromes of Mediterranean pines: insights through innovative tree phenotyping techniques.
  • Impacto del manejo del suelo y del sistema de riego y su gestión sobre las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero bajo condiciones mediterráneas.
  • Integrated Pest Management in Maize at the Landscape Scale.
  • Increasing the feasibility of General Surveillance of Genetically Modified maize.
  • Towards an integrated control of peach powdery mildew (Podosphaera pannosa) through the application of molecular tools in epidemiological and genetic resistance studies.
  • Understanding developmental processes responsible for adaptation- and yield- related traits in elite wheat germplasm.

Any 2021

  • Elucidating the plant growth-promoting effects of three microorganisms on deciduous fruit tree plants using in vitro culture conditions.
  • Effect of compounds from agricultural biodegradable plastics on the environment and on plant development.
  • Pesticide dose adjustment in 3D crops.
  • Procesos subyacentes a la mortalidad arbórea tras incendio.
  • Effects of forest management, tree growth and climate on fungal communities.
  • Molecular methods to study the movement of predatory arthropods between elements of the landscape: from topical marking to metagenomics.
  • Unraveling biotic and environmental factors driving fungal dynamics.
  • Sense and Sensitivity: on the biology and neuroethology of two tortricid moths.
  • Redesigning rice for environmental sustainability, enhanced productivity and specialty uses.
  • Plant-produced microbicides against the human immunodeficiency and severe acute respiratory symptom viruses.
  • Hull-less and coloured-grain barley as a source of valuable healthy bioactive compounds.
  • Bases ecològiques per a una gestió pastoral.
  • Repoblación y gestión forestal en España desde el siglo XIX hasta la actualidad. Estudio de su desarrollo, fases históricas y resultados.
  • Assessment of genomic and high-throughput phenotyping tools in a diversity panel of Mediterranean landraces and cultivars for wheat breeding under rainfed environments.
  • Factores ecológicos y de gestión que afectan la producción trufera.
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